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Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra
Heart / glass ball - Chakra

Heart / glass ball - Chakra

  • Indigo
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Ball
  • Heart

Heart / glass ball - Chakra. $5 will be donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Handmade at La Méduse blown glass, Îles de la Madeleine, Quebec. For 2 generations.

Hearts: approximately 7cm x 8cm (length )
Marbles: about 5cm x 5cm (length)


La Méduse - Catherine learns to make glass again!!!

Catherine, owner and artist at La Méduse, suffered a serious stroke, 3 weeks after giving birth to her daughter Agathe. What followed was a long rehabilitation... which is still going on!

She relearned how to talk , walk , run and write with the left hand . She works on her balance every day. And she has to relearn her entire job!

As she says so well, making glass takes 2 “good hands” , but it’s just an additional challenge. She therefore returned to glassblowing and relearned her craft a second time.

His collection of handmade glass beads/hearts (1 and a half hands!!!!) raises funds for the ❤️ and Stroke Foundation . A donation of $5/piece is given to this Foundation.

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger! It encourages us to move forward at La Méduse ❤️


To learn more about the chakras

RED: The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, at the level of the coccyx. It is linked to our basic physical needs, such as food and shelter. Red represents stability, security and connection to the element of Earth. It also refers to the notion of danger. It gives us the impetus to flee danger and the courage to face it.

ORANGE: The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen region, a few centimeters below the navel. The color orange is associated with creativity, passion and sexuality. This chakra, intimately linked to our reproductive organs, is also linked to our emotions, our desire and our capacity to feel pleasure. It also refers to communication skills and self-confidence.

YELLOW: The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach region. This color concerns individual identity, self-affirmation and, therefore, self-confidence. This chakra is linked to our ability to make decisions, to assert our opinions and to assume our personality. The color yellow also refers to personal and professional success.

GREEN: The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. Since it is located halfway between the three lower chakras and the three upper chakras, it plays a moderating role, which allows balance to be achieved. It speaks to us of unconditional love, compassion and harmony. It invites us to build sincere relationships, with ourselves and with others.

BLUE: The throat chakra is considered the center of communication, self-expression, but also listening. The color blue calls for greater clarity of mind and authenticity. This is therefore linked to the ability to express one's true nature and to clearly communicate one's needs. It also offers listening and the openness necessary for communication.

INDIGO The third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead, between the two eyes and the brow bone. It is considered the center of intuition, lucidity and full consciousness. The color indigo is also associated with the ability to see beyond what is shown to us, allowing us to access deeper visions and knowledge.

PURPLE: The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is the ultimate and final energy center of the body. Associated with the color purple, it symbolizes spirituality and universal connection. It also allows you to achieve spiritual openness, which brings fullness, serenity and inner peace.


Our glass decorations can be easily integrated into your daily life. In your home, office or cottage, allow yourself a burst of color by adding a glass element from La Méduse. Something to think about in the Magdalen Islands at all times.

Our creations are the fruit of our imagination. Because our pleasure also lies in the creation of a glass universe of our own, we present to you here creative follies of our own. The pleasure, the fun and the wind of the Magdalen Islands are there in each of our creations, that's guaranteed!

Unique maritime-inspired pieces handmade in the Magdalen Islands. Being based on an island, we are inspired by the sea that surrounds us to draw unique creative subjects and develop our maritime signature.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Francine Chevrier
Un objet lumineux!

Je suis ravie des 2 billes de verre en forme de coeur que je me suis procurée. C'est coloré et lumineux. Un bel objet à avoir sur sa table ou sur son bureau pour illuminer sa journée!.

Ginette Quesnel

C’est vraiment une belle bille et je vais en commander d’autres bientôt.

Sylvie Pouliot-Roy
Si beau!

C’est encore plus beau que je ne l’avais imaginé, vraiment magnifique! Tu regardes cette belle pièce et tu souris remplie de gratitude pour un tel talent dans l’adversité. Félicitations!

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